Custom Comb & Curl Typography

Amazon sponsored

Amazon sponsored

Amazon sponsored

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing

Blerdy Girl (Blerdy being a play on being black and nerdy) launched in during the pandemic and ran from 2020 to 2021. Targeting the American market, it was fashion merchandise brand with bold and satirical messaging against misogynior and inequality against black women and also promoted a more diverse alternative and positive image of black women that is rarely ever shown in mainstream media . On Facebook it had over 100 group members and accumulated over 1,030 followers on Instagram. Blerdy Girl also received an Amazon Lord of the Rings sponsorship in support of black female diversity on the show. The goal was to make an engaged community of women to connect and vent, it was a success and received a lot of positive comments.
Custom Comb & Curl Typography